Why does your body need Magnesium?

Magnesium is an essential mineral for over 300 biochemical reactions in the body. It helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function, and helps your cells to make energy.

Most people think of magnesium to be associated with cramping – and it is certainly a factor in reducing muscle tension and cramping, but it’s other major role is it’s a requirement for energy production, and the breakdown of protein, carbs and fat to make energy. Endurance athletes are at greater risk of deficiency due to increased energy requirements, and loss of magnesium through sweating.

Magnesium might also assist performance by reducing accumulation of lactic acid and reducing the perception of fatigue during strenuous exercise through its action on the nervous system.

So what foods are high in Magnesium?

Dark green Vegetables: silverbeet, spinach, swiss chard

Whole grains and seeds: brown rice , oats, quinoa, pumpkin seeds

Legumes: lima beans, navy beans, soy beans, peanuts

Nuts: hazelnuts, almonds, cashews

Dark Chocolate: yum !

Note: The minerals in foods are only as good as the soil in which they are grown. Unfortunately a lot of our food is grown with chemical fertilisers and in intensive farming conditions – so nutrients such as magnesium are stripped.

Do I need a supplement?

I’m my opinion, yes. It is estimated that 80{4f7bf5ffc4dd2943527b9e13cad40ba8015823b935bc089078976a593dc77d18} of the population are deficient in magnesium. If you are exercising often, chances are that you are deficient.

How do I know if I’m deficient?

There is no reliable test for magnesium deficiency ( less than 1{4f7bf5ffc4dd2943527b9e13cad40ba8015823b935bc089078976a593dc77d18} is stored in your blood) . Symptoms are the best indication.

Common symptoms are: muscle cramping, sore/tight/tired muscles, fatigue, twitching eyelids when tired, painful periods, insomnia, restlessness, irritability, sugar cravings, and high blood pressure.

What to look for in a Magnesium Supplement

  1. Magnesium amino acid chelate – for better absorption
  2. Added Glutamine – for muscle repair and recovery
  3. Added B Vitamins to support energy production

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